Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Magic...It's Happening...Again!

Hello, Void. It's me again. This writer who won't give up. Won't stop quacking into the vast nothingness in this nook of the internet. After my one past last year, I decided to drop another update for 2018. Will this be like last year and be a single post for the year? Probably. But I hope not, because I come bearing some news!

First, let me say that I'm now a New Yorker. I spent forty-six years living in the south. Georgia to be specific. I mentioned in my last post that my wife had accepted a position out of state and we would be moving. Our new home became Cohoes, New York on June 5 last year.

Second, last time I posted, I was unemployed (Fuck you, Mark W!), but now I can report that I'm gainfully employed and have been for nearly a year--it'll be officially a year next week.

I survived my first winter in the northeast. Yay. Hopefully, this coming winter won't be as bad as the last. At least, I've been told by others that last year's was bad. What do I know? It was my first up here!

I haven't made any close friends like I had in Georgia, but that understandable if you know me. I'm a pretty solitary individual. My wife is my closest friend. As long as I have her, I'm happy. Other friendships will develop organically and over time, so I'm not worried about that. (Although my wife seems very concerned for me that I don't have any pals to hang out with.)

Now for the news I came here to announce: I've recently been editing a story that's been lingering for a long time. It's called The Consuming Darkness. Originally, it was called The Shadow People and I've posted about it before. I'm not going to bother linking to those posts since they're peppered throughout my blog. After all, this was the first book I'd ever written; I think it was back in 2005. That's the date on the first draft I still have lying around anyway.

It was horrible. I was stoned most of the days I wrote it, so that says something there about how bad it was. I'd edited it and rewrote it before letting my wife read it. She suggested major changes, which sent me back to the drawing board yet again. Since I've made my feelings known about how much I hate the editing process, you can probably imagine why it was so easy for me to walk away from this project.

Well, after my lengthy hiatus, I've decided to buckle down and edit this damn thing into publishable shape. Or maybe I'm just masochistic; a glutton for punishment. I don't know. Anyway, I've currently edited 60 pages of the 350 page manuscript and I'm determined to try to finish it before Halloween. That's the plan anyway. Whether I accomplish my goal by that time will remain to be seen. Regardless, I'm determined to focus on completing this one book before being distracted by another.

I've also tweaked the cover to renew my enthusiasm for accomplishing the goal I've laid out and I want to share it with you now. So, without further ado, here's the cover.

I hope you (yeah you! the only person who's visited in...ages) will come back for my announcement that it's been published and maybe grab a copy. In the meantime, please, check out some of my other works. And, thanks for stopping by.